Monday, October 13

Furrstt dae off skolx!

There is a war in my heart
between love and hatred
neither one will give up
but I surrender.


First day of school!
Seems like the holiday's passed by just like that,
I wished it was abit longer, so that I can finish doing the things I wanna do.

Made me realise how fast time flies and that I don't have alot of time to spend with my friends.
So I gotta cherish!

But anyway, I'm glad to see the familiar faces! :D
The first thing EeDdUuHh said to me was, "Dee, Rihanna is coming on Nov 13!"
And I was like.. HELL YEAH!!

Savvviinnn' mooooneeeeehhhhh!!!

School was only 2 hrs.
After lecture, went to eat at Popeye's!
See, we're already cherishing the time we have together.

Anyway, apologies for the lack of visuality,
trying to get used to using the desktop again.

O yea, pics from Panda's house.
I didn't know they were taking pics of my ass!!

The STEP by STEP approach when painting a wall.

Sit down and visualize

Grab someone to help you paint.

Remember don't paint the same part or else you won't get far.

Stand on chair to reach high places, careful not to lean to one side (like me) to prevent falling :D

And tadah! well.. It's not completed yet.
But it will be once I go over to her place again.

Random raya photo.
The fact is I don't celebrate raya.
but we just try to get into the mood of things.

B and I
The entertainment bitches.
I went to find her on the first day, cause I was utterly bored.
Plus I wanted to show her how I looked like in lime green.

I had other photos, but since the lappy crashed.

I know I'm seriously lagging back in time.
But once I come back to the present time,
all will be forgiven. :D

Tchau fer now!

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