Wednesday, September 24


O yea, I'm pissed! ALOT of DISSAPOINTMENT TODAY!!!

First of all, my uncle passed away a few days ago and MY PARENTS DID NOT tell me bout it!
This is not the first time too.
Apparently, I don't need to know this kind of things, huh?!?!

Went to school really freggin early today and I didn't sleep all night cause I couldn't sleep. It turned out to be a real waste of my time cause the damn instructor didn't visibilise himself infront of us. Ms Chia (teacher-in-charge) might end up ending the reputation of the company that was gonna hold the workshop.

The Bangkok trip has been freggin cancelled! !%^@!#%^!
So looking forward to be overseas with my friends to perform for some atas people and sheez.
I already started researching on the damn place ah!!
Damn that idiot who didn't wanna step down.


But anyway.. I'm trying real hard to look at the bright side of stuff. I'm not gonna be a negative-tard anymore.

Firstly, it is said that if you pass away during the fasting month, you'll go straight to heaven and stuff like that. I'm not entirely sure but that's what I know.

Second, I don't have to pack my bags and I have more free time to hang round with my sister before she goes off.

Third, helped paint a tiny weeny bit of the new background at CEMTA. It looks so cool, I wish I was part of the people painting it.

Okay, I'm done ranting.
TchOW fer nOW!
I have something to blog over the next few days :D

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