Tuesday, September 23

Sister's lub

Yer know what. I give up on the photos. seriously pain in the ass to upload.
But fortunately I have these two.

my sis can get totally lost in Sg.
It's prolly been a long time since she stepped foot anywhere except town.

I swear I can't remember the last time I went out with her. It's so sad.
Cause we usually go out like every other weekends and entertain ourselves.
Anyway, I'm like so happy she's back.

Gave her a lil tour to some familiar places.
(and now I know where lasalles new school is!)

After that, bro-in-law picked us up and we went to the new market near Tekka Mall to buy food for buka.
Supposedly the Indian Rojak there can be compared to the one at S11 in Tampines.
I'm just saying this cause some people are rather familiar with this place.

The twins and I. See the resemblance?

So yea, we had a small gathering with tonnes of great food with great company.
Then we went on to listen to Elmo singing with Chris brown, lol.
Ham-zy's FAV!
I can't even put up his photos..

O.M.GGGGGGG! White Rabbit sweets called back???
I used to love this damn sweets.
and I eat em like 10 at a time!


and now they're contaminated?!?


My stomach has official turned 180 degrees.
I don't drink milk but in the end it's affecting the other things that I eat.
So not cool man. NOT COOL!!

Tchau fer now!

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