Monday, February 2

I have to have to have to say this! SWEDISH CHOCOLATES ARE THEEEEE SEX! (Idk if ppl are still saying this or isit passe alr)
But hell! They're the best chocolates I've ever tasted!!

I'm so glad to be part of the 13% of men that luvvvv chocolate! muahahahaha..
Those other men don't know what yer missing out on!

Repeat after mua.. "CHOCOLATE = GOOOOOD!"

(: hee!

ANYWHO! Finally the goddamn napha is over? Don't know if I have to repeat it again, like wtf?
I didn't sleep the whole way cause I knew I won't be able to wake up in time for P.E then I didn't eat breakfast and went for a 2.4km run. WTFF

I forced myself to run the whole way then after I finished I LITERALLY FELT MY STOMACH TURN 180degrees! COOL or WHAT!


But I hope I don't have to run again cause I'm having leg cramps now..
Don't think I can climb up and down the stairs in school!
I bet almost everyone won't be turning up for school tomorrow cause of this.

But we'll NEVER know.
People seem to surprise me nowadays..

I want to watch Horton hears a WHOOO again!!!
Cute ah the cartoon.
I love horton.. heee..

I'm rambling nonsense now.

I have a new hobby now!
Playing with kittens under the block at 6 in the morning..
There's this kitty cat under the block that likes to chase people and attack them.
That's my fav cat now.

Seriously Idk how the hell I could play with it for half an hour.
Okay random.

Tchau fer now la!

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