Friday, January 30


Time is really passing by really really too overly fast! It's going to be Feb 2009 already??? LIKE WTH?! It still feels like my bdae was not long ago and I just came back from Vietnam.

Scary sheez..

A few things to update..
Umm, I haven't really told anyone this but.. there is a 50 50 chance that I'll be going to indonesia? Well, I'm not entirely sure cause I only overheard my folks talking bout it..

This is what I heard from their conversation and I'll just summerize what I know..
..Uncle wants to set up a company for some idk thing, and he was planning to ask my dad to follow him over to start this company, and now the only thing that is holding them back is for this cousin of mine to agree to study in an international school there.

So I can't be making stuff up cause this is what I heard.

Anyway, I kinda don't mind living in there if I had the opportunity. I've been to some beautiful places there, but yea, the friends and my life here. I wouldn't wanna start anew, or would I??

Enough of the migrating and sheez..

Naufal taught me some fun new card games and tricks. Can't wait to share it with the gang.
He also did this love predictor thang using the cards, and I kinda find it true.
I need a victim tomorrow to try it on. (:

Well, I'm making a vow not to use the computer too much from now on. My eyesight is getting bad and I look stupid wearing glasses.

So.. Tchau fer now!

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