Sunday, February 15

Well, V-day is over (thank gawd!)
Friday the 13th was kinda sad feeling and it definitely left a mark.
It's the final show for the senior's senior aka Alicia, Faizal, Pang, Su and Me.
The atmosphere was soooo.. bland, and not festive as I imagined it to be.

Alicia and I sneaked into the handicap toilet to play with our hair before the show lol.
and we got caught by some random guy..

Bored to our wits 5 hrs before the actual show.
We had to entertain ourselves of course.
And also, Drama-Dee is still dead.
I don't see a resurrection any time soon.

Whored with the cam for awhile.
Then I fell asleep.. It was pure boredom, imagine sitting on our ass for 2 hrs doing basically nth.
but then this old guy came to the back and showed everyone magic tricks.
He was kinda the center of attention and everyone laughed at his jokes and stuff.
Must be hell of a comedian.

I loike moi haiiirrr (:

We helped Lif "untie" his shoelaces and threw them at the corner where all the tables and nonsense were.. and next thing I know I saw em knock his head against them. LOL
But it was kinda predictable.

After-show whoring with the cam.
Bye bye cemta!!
Bye bye broken bench!!
Bye bye rehearsal room!!!
Bye bye meeting room!!
Bye bye notice board!!
Bye bye smelly handicap toilet!!
Gosh the list goes on and on..

candid emo shot (:
I loikee..
It's like I'm thinking bout music and the notes are simply flying out of my mind.

Fadz self-proclaim excellent photography shot.
"FIRE TINGUISHER" (in case of fire)

Well.. that's bout it..
TFN with this dumbass look on my face..

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