Wednesday, April 8

Another friend turning the big two zero

The ex-5B gang we're graciously invited to vin's place to celebrate his birthday and the highlight of the whole day was GUITAR HERO!!!!
OMG.. Freakishly addictive and awesomeeeee.. Total awesome sheez I tell ya!

Then again... Only 3 people can play together and singing isn't anyone's forte.

Drums is the sheeeezzz!!

The gang + Roory! (:
Sweet gurl.. such charisma!

The mats and those two idiots can yell like crazy whenever they're playing soccer evolution..

The pic that fah says fy looks different in.

The mats again

Well the rest are kinda redundant photos but I loveee guitar hero!!

I'm pooped.. Tchau fer now (:
sorry for the lack of enthusiasm in the entries..
kinda lost the blogging bug..

till I find it then..

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