Wednesday, April 22

Bonjour people!

Very surprised to have woken up very late today when Bai called
and finally met up with Naz
cause I missed her too much and wanted to get breaking dawn or isit new moon from her.
the storyline is sooo gd!!
and I finally understood why people liked Edward Cullen more than Robert Pattinson..

intentions aside,
OMG!!! I know one thing that makes Naz super P.O-ed
and it's those ahpeks riding those bicycles with loud speakers behind..

It's a freaking trend now!!
Saw like 5 of em in one night!
and it's ANNOYING!!

Naz was all, "One more time!"
cause the guy was circling around us and stuff..


Scary Naz..


Tchau fer now!
Finishing my Eclipse soon and meeting Fy early tomorrow!

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